Parent Stories – "I truly feel like our Dream Sock gave us vital information.”

One night, we were asleep and woke up to our Owlet Dream SockTM alerting us saying our baby's oxygen dropped down from 90 to 59. I checked on our baby and his lips were blue so I picked him up and ran him outside until he finally went back to normal. We then headed to the hospital and they monitored him and diagnosed it as a brief resolved unexplained event (BRUE).
A few nights later, we were about to go to bed and we noticed our baby’s lips were blue and he was limp. Then our Dream SockTM started alerting us again, saying his oxygen was dramatically low. We started to rub on him to stimulate him and go outside again for fresh air. It took a long time for him to come to. We then rushed to the hospital and have been in the hospital for three days and counting, because our baby is still having these episodes. They have no idea what is going on and have run a bunch of tests. I truly feel like our Dream SockTM helped give us vital information. I will forever feel so grateful for this product. I highly recommend this if you are a new parent.
Owlet User, Shyanne Elrod
* As a reminder, Dream Sock® is intended to track babies’ heart rate and oxygen level and keep parents informed, but it is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or other condition including, but not limited to, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and/or Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).