Parent Stories - “If it was not for our Dream Sock, I may never have known her oxygen was low.”
In the beginning of the year, my daughter was a little congested. We had taken her to the doctors and she wasn’t running a temperature and all seemed good. We put the twins down for bed with their Dream SockTM monitors on, like usual. Right away I noticed my daughter's oxygen was sitting lower than normal. I told my husband and we decided to just monitor it throughout the night.
That night at 1 AM, the Dream SockTM Base Station woke me up by telling me to check my baby. Her oxygen had dropped super low and we rushed her to the ER. There she tested positive for four respiratory viruses. To no fault of our paediatrician, her sickness wasn’t showing many signs of distress. She was still active and didn’t have a severe change in behaviour until that night. If it was not for notifications from our Dream SockTM, I may never have known her oxygen was low. I am so grateful to have had this device to assist in my babies’ wellness journey.
Owlet User, Nicole Baker
* As a reminder, Dream Sock® is intended to track babies’ heart rate and oxygen level and keep parents informed, but it is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or other condition including, but not limited to, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and/or Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).