Parent Stories – “Our Dream Sock has been a DREAM I truly underestimated what this device would do for me mentally.”

My son was born in February of 2024. Within the first 4 hours of life he was brought to the NICU for fluid in the lungs. He stayed there for 5 days before being able to come home with us. Once he was home, he started to have chest retractions every day, all the time. He was brought to the Emergency Room multiple times. Doctors and nurses could clearly see he was having retractions, but his vitals were good and he wasn’t uncomfortable.
Solace was sent home every time without an answer and me being so worried and unsure of what to do if the doctors didn’t even know. Solace saw a pulmonary specialist where multiple tests were done to see what this issue could be caused from.
During this two month period, my anxiety as his mother was through the roof. Constantly checking his chest, manually counting his respirations and pulse. I was always staring at his breathing, second guessing my counting, wondering if he was really okay, never truly knowing if he was getting enough oxygen. Going to sleep at night was even worse because I couldn’t stay right there counting and monitoring his breathing. I couldn’t even turn away from the bassinet while laying in bed. Every night I went to sleep fearing the worst any parent can imagine. Every day was torture inside my own head.
I decided I needed to get my hands on Owlet Dream SockTM because I knew it could monitor pulse rate and oxygen saturation. The very first night we used it I noticed the weight of my stress felt so much lighter. During this process of waiting for answers about my baby’s breathing, our Dream SockTM has been a DREAM.
I can roll around in bed at night because I don’t feel like I need to have eyes on him at all times. My hand isn’t resting on his chest all the time. I’m not sitting and drowning in my thoughts about what his oxygen levels are. I truly underestimated what this device would do for me mentally. I will be recommending this to any of my friends who have children in the future because it’s something I now wish I had with my first child, not just my second. Peace of mind is so important for a mother.
Owlet User, Kali Jo Tice
* As a reminder, Dream Sock® is intended to track babies’ heart rate and oxygen level and keep parents informed, but it is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or other condition including, but not limited to, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and/or Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).