Forever Grateful for the Smart Sock

Throughout both of my babies' first months, I relied on the Owlet Smart Sock for my peace of mind. In addition to that, it provided me with essential data that I could pass on to their pediatrician during their (separate) RSV infections, and subsequent bronchiolitis. I never imagined that I would receive a red notification, but knowing that I would be notified if my baby needed me helped me sleep through the night.
When my youngest turned 12 months, I told myself that he no longer needed his Owlet Smart Sock, but I couldn't tear myself away from the peace of mind it was providing. One night, I was woken up by a red notification for low oxygen. I ran to his room and found him with his face buried into his mattress and all of his weight pressed down onto his face. I rolled him over and he wasn't waking up, but his breathing returned to normal.
In the Owlet App, the history showed that his oxygen levels had slowly gone down over time and without the Owlet Smart Sock to notify me, I'm not sure he would have moved or woken up on his own. I was able to monitor his heart rate and oxygen levels for the rest of the night to make sure he was okay. Needless to say, I'm forever grateful to Owlet for everything it has done for my family and will continue to use the Smart Sock until he outgrows it!
- Joanna A.