We will forever recommend the Owlet as our #1 baby item

We will forever recommend the Owlet as our #1 baby item

When my daughter was 8-months-old, she got very sick with RSV. Her pediatrician gave us some guidance and things to watch for, including decreased breathing rate and low oxygen level. A few days later, my baby's oxygen level dropped to 88% while napping. I took her into the children's ER, where they monitored her and eventually let us go home. The pediatric pulmonologist said that we didn't need to worry, even though her oxygen dropped to 85% while there. She told us to watch if her oxygen level went below 80%.

That night, we put her Owlet Smart Sock on as usual and tried to get some sleep. At 5am, we got a red notification. Our daughter was sleeping soundly, but her oxygen had dipped to 75%! We picked her up and patted her back until she roused enough to bring it back up. We laid her back down, and a few minutes later, the alarm went off again! This pattern continued for the next hour. I hate to imagine what might have happened if we didn't have the Owlet Smart Sock. She showed no outward signs of distress, but clearly she needed our attention. We will forever recommend the Owlet as our #1 baby item.

- Emily C.