Parent Stories – “We had no idea he was in such distress. I am so grateful every day for our Dream Sock.”

When my second child was six months old, everyone in the house came down with a cold. After a long day, I put the baby to sleep and went to bed. A few minutes later, our Dream SockTM Base Station started alerting.
I grabbed the baby out of his bed and unzipped his PJs to look at his breathing. He was having severe retractions. I tried to wake him because I was so worried. He would not open his eyes or respond in any way. I yelled for my husband and we both tried to wake him up. At this point we called 999 and the operator instructed us to start CPR.
As we laid him flat on the ground he miraculously began to cry. By the time the ambulance arrived, he had come around. We went to the ER and he was admitted to the hospital. It turned out that he had RSV and resulting bronchitis. He needed supportive oxygen and had to come home from the hospital on oxygen as well. We had no idea that he was in such distress. I did not have the trained eye to see that he was struggling to breathe. I am so grateful every day that I’ve had our Dream SockTM.
Owlet User, Megan Whitlock
* As a reminder, Dream Sock® is intended to track babies’ heart rate and oxygen level and keep parents informed, but it is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or other condition including, but not limited to, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and/or Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).